Turkmenistan News

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5/13/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Information [Maglumat]
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5/11/2017 Facebook
QUIZ: What are the names of the two most significant poets in Turkmen literature? ANSWER: Magtymguly Pyragy and Mammetweli Kemine
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5/9/2017 Facebook
INTERESTING FACT: The Lebap Province is located in the north-east of Turkmenistan, bordering Uzbekistan
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5/7/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Crossing [Geçelge]
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5/5/2017 Facebook
QUIZ: What is the name of one of the largest horse-breeding centers in Central Asia located in Ashgabat? ANSWER: The Ahalteke equestrian complex
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5/3/2017 Facebook
INTERESTING FACT: The Dashoguz Province in the North of Turkmenistan is a home to the UNESCO World Heritage site of Kunya-Urgench
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5/1/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Break [Arakesme]
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4/29/2017 Facebook
QUIZ: What holiday is celebrated in Turkmenistan on the last Sunday of April? ANSWER: The Turkmen horse day
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4/27/2017 Facebook
INTERESTING FACT: The Balkan Province, in the West of Turkmenistan is the most populous and borders Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, the Caspian Sea, and Iran
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4/25/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Careful [Serasap boluň]
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4/23/2017 Facebook
QUIZ: What is the name of the Turkmen rug handwoven by the Yomut tribe? ANSWER: The Yomut
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4/21/2017 Facebook
INTERESTING FACT: The Ahal Province is situated in the South of Turkmenistan, bordering Iran and Afghanistan
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4/19/2017 Facebook
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4/17/2017 Facebook
QUIZ: What traditional craft became one of the most important sectors of Turkmenistan economy at the end of 20th century? ANSWER: Carpet weaving
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4/15/2017 Facebook
INTERESTING FACT: The Turkmen Academy of Sciences was founded in 1951
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4/13/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: No smoking [Çilim çekmäň]
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4/13/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: No smoking [Çilim çekmäň]
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4/13/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: No smoking [Çilim çekmäň]
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4/13/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: No smoking [Çilim çekmäň]
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4/11/2017 Facebook
QUIZ: What holiday is celebrated in Turkmenistan on the last Sunday of May? ANSWER: The Turkmen carpet day
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4/9/2017 Facebook
INTERESTING FACT: The ex-president Saparmurat Niyazov introduced a compulsory state tax - kalim, obligating all foreigners marrying a Turkmen woman to pay no less than $50,000
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4/7/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Here / There [Şu ýerde / Aňyryda]
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4/7/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Here / There [Şu ýerde / Aňyryda]
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4/7/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Here / There [Şu ýerde / Aňyryda]
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4/7/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Here / There [Şu ýerde / Aňyryda]
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4/5/2017 Facebook
QUIZ: What percentage of population in Turkmenistan speaks Russian? ANSWER: 12%
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4/1/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Pull / Push [Çekmek / Itelemek]
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4/1/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Pull / Push [Çekmek / Itelemek]
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4/1/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Pull / Push [Çekmek / Itelemek]
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4/1/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Pull / Push [Çekmek / Itelemek]
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3/30/2017 Facebook
QUIZ: What percentage of the population in Turkmenistan are Muslim? ANSWER: 89%
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3/28/2017 Facebook
INTERESTING FACT: Kara-Bogaz Lake in Turkmenistan was once a bay of the Caspian Sea
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3/26/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Prohibited / Allowed [Gadagan edilen / Rugset edilen]
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3/26/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Prohibited / Allowed [Gadagan edilen / Rugset edilen]
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3/26/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Prohibited / Allowed [Gadagan edilen / Rugset edilen]
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3/26/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Prohibited / Allowed [Gadagan edilen / Rugset edilen]
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3/24/2017 Facebook
QUIZ: What cities are connected by the railroad with Turkmenbashi? ANSWER: Nebitdag, Ashkhabad, Mary, and Chardzhou
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3/22/2017 Facebook
INTERESTING FACT: The new constitution of Turkmenistan was adopted on 26 September 2008
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3/20/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Closed / Open [Açyk / Ýapyk]
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3/20/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Closed / Open [Açyk / Ýapyk]
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3/20/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Closed / Open [Açyk / Ýapyk]
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3/20/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Closed / Open [Açyk / Ýapyk]
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3/18/2017 Facebook
QUIZ: The ornaments of what traditional object are pictured on the flag of Turkmenistan? ANSWER: The carpet
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3/16/2017 Facebook
INTERESTING FACT: The two-thirds of Turkmen natural gas goes through the Russian state-owned company Gazprom
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3/14/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Left / Right [Çepe / Saga]
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3/14/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Left / Right [Çepe / Saga]
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3/14/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Left / Right [Çepe / Saga]
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3/14/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Left / Right [Çepe / Saga]
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3/12/2017 Facebook
QUIZ: What museum was created in Ashgabat 20 March 1993? ANSWER: The Turkmen Carpet Museum
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3/10/2017 Facebook
INTERESTING FACT: Turkmenistan became a member of the Untied Nations on 2 March 1992
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3/8/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Entrance / Exit [Girelge / Çykalga]
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3/8/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Entrance / Exit [Girelge / Çykalga]
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3/8/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Entrance / Exit [Girelge / Çykalga]
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3/8/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Entrance / Exit [Girelge / Çykalga]
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3/6/2017 Facebook
QUIZ: What is the name of municipality in Turkmenistan which contains the ruins of the capital of Khwarezm? ANSWER: Konye-Urgench
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3/4/2017 Facebook
INTERESTING FACT: The Kutlug Timur minaret in Turkmenistan is the highest minaret in Central Asia with the height of 62 m
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3/2/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Attention [Üns beriň]
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3/2/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Attention [Üns beriň]
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3/2/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Attention [Üns beriň]
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3/2/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Attention [Üns beriň]
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2/28/2017 Facebook
QUIZ: What is the main airline in Turkmenistan? ANSWER: The Turkmenistan Airlines
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2/26/2017 Facebook
INTERESTING FACT: The main airline in Turkmenistan is the government-managed Turkmenistan Airlines founded on 4 May 1992
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2/24/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Autoservice [Awtohyzmat]
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2/24/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Autoservice [Awtohyzmat]
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2/24/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Autoservice [Awtohyzmat]
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2/24/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Autoservice [Awtohyzmat]
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2/22/2017 Facebook
QUIZ: What is the name of the highest minaret in Central Asia? ANSWER: The Kutlug Timur minaret
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2/20/2017 Facebook
INTERESTING FACT: Konye-Urgench is a municipality in Turkmenistan, the site of the ancient town of Urgench, which contains the ruins of the capital of Khwarezm, a part of the Achaemenid Empire
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2/18/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: My car broke down [Meniň maşynym bozuldy]
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2/18/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: My car broke down [Meniň maşynym bozuldy]
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2/18/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: My car broke down [Meniň maşynym bozuldy]
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2/18/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: My car broke down [Meniň maşynym bozuldy]
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2/16/2017 Facebook
QUIZ: When did Turkmenistan become a member of the United Nations? ANSWER: On 2 March 1992
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2/14/2017 Facebook
INTERESTING FACT: The Turkmen Carpet Museum was created in Ashgabat on 20 March 1993
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2/12/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: I want to rent a car [Kireýine almak / maşyn kärendesi]
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2/12/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: I want to rent a car [Kireýine almak / maşyn kärendesi]
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2/12/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: I want to rent a car [Kireýine almak / maşyn kärendesi]
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2/12/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: I want to rent a car [Kireýine almak / maşyn kärendesi]
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2/10/2017 Facebook
QUIZ: Through what Russian company does the two-thirds of Turkmen natural gas go? ANSWER: The Gazprom
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2/8/2017 Facebook
INTERESTING FACT: The flag of Turkmenistan is the most detailed national flag in the world, it features a green field with a vertical red stripe, containing five traditional carpet ornaments above two olive branches and a white crescent moon, with five st
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2/6/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Fine (ticket) / documents [Jerime / resminamalar]
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2/6/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Fine (ticket) / documents [Jerime / resminamalar]
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2/6/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Fine (ticket) / documents [Jerime / resminamalar]
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2/6/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Fine (ticket) / documents [Jerime / resminamalar]
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2/4/2017 Facebook
QUIZ: When was the new Turkmenistan constitution adopted? ANSWER: On 26 September 2008
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1/31/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Gas station / Fill it up with gas / Gasoline [Ýangyç guýulýan ýer/Bagy dolduryň / Benzin]
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1/31/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Gas station / Fill it up with gas / Gasoline [Ýangyç guýulýan ýer/Bagy dolduryň / Benzin]
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1/31/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Gas station / Fill it up with gas / Gasoline [Ýangyç guýulýan ýer/Bagy dolduryň / Benzin]
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1/31/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Gas station / Fill it up with gas / Gasoline [Ýangyç guýulýan ýer/Bagy dolduryň / Benzin]
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1/29/2017 Facebook
QUIZ: What lake in Turkmenistan was once a bay of Caspian Sea? ANSWER: Kara-Bogaz Lake
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1/27/2017 Facebook
INTERESTING FACT: About 89% of the population in Turkmenistan are Muslim
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1/25/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Parking [Duralga]
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1/25/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Parking [Duralga]
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1/25/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Parking [Duralga]
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1/25/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Parking [Duralga]
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1/25/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: Parking [Duralga]
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1/21/2017 Facebook
INTERESTING FACT: Russian language is in common use in government and business and is spoken by 12% of the population in Turkmenistan
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1/19/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: No passage [Geҫmek gadagan]
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1/19/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: No passage [Geҫmek gadagan]
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1/19/2017 Facebook
LEARNING TURKMEN: No passage [Geҫmek gadagan]
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